Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Final Project: Computer Revolution

                    A computer is a programmable machine which is based on a microprocessor, that receives input, stores, manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. In 1833 the concept of modern computers was first outlined and in 1946 the modern computers were outlined. The first computer ever made was in the mid 20th century, they were very huge, the size of a full room, that consumed so much power as several 100 computers working together.
The first computer the depended on binary numbers was created in 1939-1942 by John and Atanasoff. Charles Babbage is a really important person in the history of computers because he is the fisrt person who designed a full program. In Babbage's time, numerical numbers was commonly calculated by humans untill John and atanasoff creation.

                     In Wold War II, two research projects affected the history of computers: fast ballistics calculators and create ballistics tables. Electronic numerical integrators and computers were designed for many specific reasons. In 1970's, Steve Wazniak and Bill Fernandez created the cream soda computers that lead the revolution and development of smaller computers. In 1980's computers started to improve, They became faster because of the new technology that affected the world after world war two. In the 1980's and 1990's , the computer was used in the development of educational softwares which lead to more use of multimedia on computers.
Computers are commonly used in MP3 players, cell phones, opening internet, watching films, texting messages and sending e-mails. Computers are used for military jobs and storing confidential information. Another kind of computer known as the analog computer, which is a form of computer that uses the continuously-changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved, and this is useful in a petroleum companies. There is also another type of program used in pertoleum companies, such as digital computers. Digital computers are computers that represents numbers and data using discrete internal states, in contrast to continously varying quantities used in an analog computer.

                  In conclusion, computer will change in the future, Researches and developments in the computer world will move simultaneously a long two paths-in hardware and in software. Computers will be Smaller, lighter, stronger, faster, more storage capacity. They will be water resistant and totally portable. All computers will have a solar panel spreadable sheet so you will never be in trouble. They hill have Internet towers like cell towers today. There will be a new code that will replace binary which will revolutionize the whole way we program. Supermicro chips and Super-powerful processors will give the computer realtime crispness seen in today's High Definition TVs. It's going to be really impressive.

E, Charles. "Computer History." Computer Science Lab Home Page: Learn Computer Programming. Computerscience, 17 Nov. 2011. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <http://www.computersciencelab.com/computerHistory/HistoryPt4.htm>.

John Yahya. "Open Directory - Computers." ODP - Open Directory Project. Dmoz, 17 Nov. 2011. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <http://www.dmoz.org/computers>.

Micheal. "History of Computers." Hitmill.com - Internet Training and Technology for Students. Hitmill, 17 Nov. 2011. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <http://www.hitmill.com/computers/computerhx1.html>.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Cars have been around for over a hundred years. The first universal car in America was created by Henry Ford in 1908. This car was called the model ‘T’ also known as the Tin Lizzy. After the first car was introduced, the evolution of cars had changed in size, shape, and price. The most significant change has been in price.

Today, consumers have the options of choosing a car that is inexpensive in price to very expensive. An inexpensive car’s price range is anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000. An inexpensive car would consist of a Hyundai, Kia, Saturn and Honda. Some of the features to an inexpensive car consist of the interior design such as the cloth seats. The engines however, in a Hyundai, Kia, Saturn and Honda are considered to be very stable. Today, manufacturers make cars that offer a variety of engines. For example a consumer can have the option of choosing a car with a 1.0 to 24 horsepower engine.

A moderately priced car can range from $25,000 to $45,000. The moderately priced car gives the consumer a variety of options. A moderately priced car is considered to be a Toyota, Ford, Nissan, and Acura. These cars come with different choices of interior. For instance, the buyer can have the option of leather or cloth interior. The interior is also made to provide comfort to the driver. These type of cars offer cruise control, stick or automatic transmission, and free regular service check ups. The service check ups allow the car to have free oil changes and service inspections at certain miles. The engines in a moderately priced car range from a 4 cylinder to an 8-cylinder vehicle. When purchasing a car, the buyer appears to have more options with moderately priced vehicle then with an inexpensive or cheap vehicle.

An expensively priced car can range from $50,000 to over a $100,000. These types of cars are considered to be Mercedes, Porsche, Rolls Royce, Lexus, and BMW. All of the cars interiors are made from fine quality leather. The craftsmanship in the interior is very detailed. This type of interior has been made to make the driver feel like he is sitting in a recliner instead of driving a car. These types of cars also have an electronic switchboard that consists of power seats, door locks, windows, sunroof, and cruise control. Another option that some of the expensive cars have, is that they can be driving an automatic car, but they can also change the gears so that it can be a 5 speed driving machine. The performance in these cars has been made so that the stops and acceleration in the cars are seamless to driver. The expensively priced cars also have the options for a navigation system as well as an entertainment system. The navigation system allows the driver to view an electronic screen that displays a map on how to get from point A to B. The entertainment system has a DVD set up, which allow the passengers to view movies and play video games that are created from a compact disc. Another feature that these cars have is the temperature control. The passenger and driver can set their own temperature control based on where they are seated. If a person is sitting in the front, middle or rear of the car, they will have the option of changing the temperature control in the car.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 6, 1706. Franklin's father put him in grammar school to become a minister, but soon took him out again because he could not afford it. Franklin spent a year at a different school and then became an apprentice in the printing shop of his older half-brother, James. There he learned the trade and anonymously published series of essays in his brother's paper.
In 1730, Franklin won a contract from the government for official printing work. With this income he was secure, and he soon bought a failing newspaper from his former boss. He married Deborah Read, the daughter of the couple he had lived with when he first arrived in Philadelphia. Together they raised Franklin's illegitimate son, William, and had two children of their own.
During the 1730s, Franklin was active in civic projects, founding the first public library and the first fire company in America. He also began publishing his popular Poor Richard's Almanack, full of wise and funny sayings. In the 1740s, Franklin grew interested in science, especially the study of electricity. He conducted a series of experiments and discovered that lightning is electrical. His discoveries made him famous in Europe as well as America.
In 1748, Franklin retired from the printing business and devoted himself fulltime to science and civic leadership, founding a hospital and a volunteer militia. In 1751, he was elected to the Pennsylvania assembly, where he quickly rose to power. When war with the French and Indians threatened in the mid-1750s, Franklin attended a meeting of colonial governments in Albany, where he drafted the Albany Plan of Union. He became more deeply involved in Pennsylvania politics, when he tried to convince the British government to let the assembly tax Pennsylvania's proprietors.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mr. Hedley's trip

Thirty years ago, Hedley, with his wife and their daughter, went to the Niah caves which are located in East Malaysia.
They set off from the capital of Brunei driving to the Sarawak border, but then they had to cross the rivers by ferry. They arrived at sunset, then they hired a small boat and sailed to a government rest house.
The next morning, they walked through the jungle for half an hour until they reached the Niah caves. When they entered the caves they saw men climbing up the caves and dropping birds nests. The nests were sold and made into soup.
Later in the afternoon, they left the rest house and drove back home. It was quite an adventure for Hedley which he would never forget.